Thursday, May 29, 2014

And I would walk 500 miles......

So we go hiking sometimes. We live in a little beach town and a quick 5 minute drive down a hill get us to a little area that's terribly charming- a little levee to walk along the beach where locals take their dogs out for their evening jaunt. No, really, everyone has dogs.

But at the end of this little stroll are hills. Hang on, I'm not making this dramatic enough. At the end of the walkway there are Cliffs. Sheer drop-off Cliffs that loom high above the ocean and carry on down the coastline connected to one another. It's truly a gorgeous area so it draws plenty of people to climb around these Cliffs. For fun. I don't pretend to understand where the fun in that activity is. Usually just stare fondly at the area surrounding me while I take a stroll in the beach air because I am not what you would call an "athletic" person (unless you call getting up from the couch to pour myself another glass of wine "exercise").

Told ya. Cliffs.

However, yesterday we decided to go for a hike. I was under the impression "hike" was simply a euphemism for the usual walk - a way to catch up on the daily putterings of The Guy and a perfect excuse to wear my lululemon yoga pants.
We parked the car, got out and walked along the levee, passed the pier and sauntered along the marsh that feeds into the ocean. Usually when we get to the Cliffs, we turn around and walk back along the beach. Hey, that's a perfectly legitimate workout! Walking in sand. Right?
Well, this time, the conversation turned to "Let's try going up to the point!" and, hey, I'm feeling good, why not? So we get up there and say again "Let's keep going!" and for some godforsaken reason, I think this is a brilliant idea. So I bravely soldier on.

And it gets steeper.
And the trail is becoming less like a trail and more like ruts the rainwater has worn into the landscape.
And my legs are kindasorta burning.
Oh. No. Just a piece of rope. (I am maybe not the most outdoorsy girl. All that Girl Scouting never really took, I guess. Unless you count eating Thin Mints.)
And then we get to another crest and turn around. Hey, look how far we've come!
Oh dear.
Guess how far away my car is?

Yup. It's that far away.
I have never wanted a hang glider more in my life.

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